
Friday, April 22, 2016

Featured Designer: Shona Chambers


Today, we're back with another Featured Designer!  This time, Shona Chambers is in the spotlight for the next four weeks!  Please give her a warm welcome and be sure and go leave her some blog love on her blog where she's sharing more photos of her home and some cards she's made!

Hi everybody, my name is Shona Chambers and I come from a tiny town called Blenheim in New Zealand. I am married to Dave and have two children, Phoebe 11yrs and Max 9yrs. We also have two cats Spilly and Scribbles, and at the moment two golden retrievers Bella and Oscar. We live in 106 year old villa which we have nearly finished renovating. I love to garden and have a lot of roses everywhere, mainly David Austin. I also garden for a living which keeps me out of mischief!!

I found out about craft blogs etc a few years ago when I went to a local craft fair. I met Lowri from Papervine, which is an online craft store. Her blog was the first one I had ever looked at and I discovered this whole craft world online!! A few months later my Dad died suddenly. It made me realize that life is short and I should try something new, so I started my blog ‘Twine Around’. I was making all sorts of craft with twine until I came across the blogs of Jennifer McGuire and Kristina Werner. They introduced me to card making and from there I was hooked!!

I look back at my old cards and realize I was definitely ‘style-less’ at the beginning. Even though I like to try out different techniques my cards are mainly CAS in style now. I love lots of white space and not many embellishments. I’m always happy when I can create a one-layer card and have designed a few that if they were anymore CAS, they would be blank!!

I finally got up the courage to join in a few challenges and that’s when I found the CASology Challenge!! I love the ‘one word’ inspiration and have come up with all sorts of weird and crazy designs. I’m very lucky and honoured to be part of a few different Challenge Design Teams and have even recently joined the Design Team at CAS-ual Fridays, which is a dream come true!! My blog will be 3 yrs old this September and I can’t believe how far I have come in that time and how many amazing friends I’ve made in the crafting world.

Thank you so much Melissa for inviting me to be the Featured Designer for the next four weeks and I hope you will join me as I show off my crafting area (eek!!) and share some of my favourite CAS cards with you. I look forward to seeing you next Friday!!


  1. Hooray!!! So much fun reading and learning more about you, Shona!!!

  2. I have followed Shona for a long time and love what she makes, I was the first DT she joined and am pleased she did as I asked her out of the blue after keeping my eye on her blog! She thought she wasn't good enough to join...can you believe that!!

  3. Good for you. Shona is a real card artist with a fabulous and effective CAS vibe. You're so smart to have her showcased.

  4. So nice to learn more about Shona. She is so talented.

  5. Oh wow, lovely to get to know you better, Shona! Love what you do. So glad to see you as a Featured Designer over here.

  6. Shona, have been following your blog for a little while now and didnt even realise you were a neighbour to me here in Australia. Good to see you being feautured here with your wonderful style.

  7. Hi Shona, great to see another New Zealander here!
