Monday, December 3, 2012

Design Team Call!

It's time!  We're ready to expand our design team and are looking for some devoted CAS-minded individuals to join us!  If you adore CAS design and working as a team player on a creative team, we'd love to see what you've got!  At this time, we will be adding two new members.

Here are the details:
  1. The design team term will be from January 1 - June 30, 2013.
  2. You must have a personal blog that you post to regularly (at least 4-5 times per week).
  3. One card per week is required and is due by Sunday evening each week.
  4. You will participate in commenting on challenge entries each week and assist in selecting winners and honorable mentions along with your fellow design team members.
  5. If interested, please email Melissa your name, address and a link to your personal blog (& any online galleries you have) by Saturday, December 15, at noon (CST)!  Also include a simple introduction of yourself and attach three (3) photos of recent CAS cards you have created that represent your individual CAS style.
We will notify all applicants of our decision by Thursday, December 20, and will announce the new DT members on Monday, December 31.


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