Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Week 408: COZY

Dear CASology friends,

Since it began in July of 2012, CASology has been a big part of my life and the lives of all the wonderful design team members and participants who have supported this challenge over the years.  Today, we're beginning CASology Challenge #408, the final challenge.

I can honestly say the decision to discontinue CASology was not an easy one and I found myself going back and forth, struggling with the thought of not taking it into another new year.  While it makes me a bit sad thinking of all the wonderful years we've shared here at CASology, my heart is telling me it's time to let it go and lean more fully into other parts of my life.  As we all know, our lives evolve and change with time and experiences along life's journey and the last couple of years, especially, have brought a lot of change into my own.  We all have a personal plate filled with responsibilities and things we choose to take on.  Lately, I have loved the quote that says, "You can do it all, just not all at once." and it has been a guide to many of my personal decisions as of late.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the years spent here at CASology and feel those years were not wasted.  Here, I have had the privilege of forming friendships with fellow card makers, watched clean and simple creativity flourish and felt honored to be a part of a community of such supportive, caring individuals.  Please know that I will forever be thankful to you for taking the time to play along with us and support CASology over the last ten years.  Who knew a little idea would take off and turn into such a fun experience?!

I hope you will all continue to connect and support fellow card makers and card making challenges.  Clean and simple design will continue to be my go-to style as I focus more of my time, energy and effort into new responsibilities and building a dream of mine over at Inked Regards.

I hope you'll join us for one last challenge this month to help us celebrate the last 10 amazing years!  The design team would love to hear from you as we all say farewell.  If you have time, please be sure and stop by their blogs and leave a little farewell love!

With gratitude,


For our final cue word, we're focusing on all things associated with cozy.  Autumn has arrived here and winter will follow.  All the cooler day things are slowly being reintroduced and we'd love to fill the gallery with that cozy feeling too!

As always, remember the following CAS guidelines when creating your design:

  1. One main image
  2. Lots of open space, uncluttered
  3. Limited layers & embellishments
  4. Quick & easy to recreate (Note:  It may take a while to create a design you like, but once you have that design, making more should be a piece of cake!)

Let's take a look at what the design team and our guest designers created for inspiration!

Guest Designer:  Arlene
design defined:
No matter the image, you can make it warm & cozy with the right colors.

Guest Designer:  Christine
design defined:
Subtle texture and plentiful white space are perfect for a CAS design!

design defined:
Center your image and keep much white space is always a good idea creating CAS. 

design defined:
White space doesn't have to be white.
design defined:
A thin matted frame draws your eye in to the focal point of your card.

design defined:
Stamping off the edge allows you to use larger stamps on CAS cards.

Go have fun creating your very own CAS design and don't forget to link up here on the CASology blog by Monday, October 31, at 9:00 a.m. (CST)!


  1. Ladies... you have no idea how much I am going to miss this challenge! This was the first challenge I ever entered and for years I never missed a week, each with another opportunity to practice CAS. Thank you for a fabulous run...you will be missed. To each DT member, thank you for your warm comments, support and encouragement. I hope to see each of you and your inspiration on another DT. Melissa...best of luck at Inked Regards. Warm wishes for continued CAS stamping everyone!

  2. Wow! I have fond memories of being one of the members of the very first DT way back in 2012 and have always been grateful to Melissa for giving me a chance to be part of this wonderful community! So many of my crafty friendships started here. I wish you all the very best as you move forward into the next chapter!

    1. Ardyth, your influence on the DT back in those first days was invaluable! I remember searching for potential team members for the launch and, boy, I sure founds some winners! :) Thanks again for all your dedication and support!

  3. What a sad news!!! This was the first challenge I ever entered ... you will be missed. Good luck at Inked Regards.

    1. Thank you, Francesca! Thanks for all your support. It has meant a lot knowing there were those who enjoyed the challenges!

  4. Thank you Melissa for creating and maintaining the challenge ... it's where I discovered my love for CAS design. I enjoyed my time with you on the DT. You will be missed. I wish you all the best with your new adventures.

    1. Thank you, Janet! Your time on the DT was so appreciated! Thanks for continuing to support CASology even after your time was done. I hope to continue see you now and then on social media! :)

  5. CASology one of my all time favourite challenge blogs you will be sadly missed and thank you DT past and present for amazing inspiration.

    1. Thank you so much, Marie! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed CASology! :) Thank you for your support! I'm going to miss seeing everyone's CAS creations each month!
